Sunday, December 26, 2004

Sunday Scripture Reading

I.O.U. a reading

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Day three of adware infection

My neighbors at blogspot have caused me to erase my hard drive in order to get rid of their adware. Luckily I can put my software back free of spyware. Stay away from you'll get infected.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Beware of spyware on blogger

The other blogs on blogspot are interesting to see but look at your own risk. I dont know if you have been infected by adware by looking at my blog. I haven't put adware on here. I had to subscribe to Norton Internet Security to find the adware on my computer. I had 15 pieces of software. Norton got rid of half.

I had to update my spy sweeper to get rid of all but two.

Then I got the firefox browser, very cool. Firefox is supposed to be more secure then Explorer. I like the tab feature better then opening new windows if you want to look at multiple web pages. Norton has to be disabled to view the internet, scary.

The adware still pops up but its Internet Explorer that is affected and Im thinking of removing the browser. Hopefully Norton or spy sweeper will make it easy for me to delete the remaining spyware in the future.

Get yourself the firefox browser and hopefully surf spyware free.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Sunday Scripture Reading

True Believer,
Reflect upon today's scripture reading with all your heart. Understand it fully. Include it in your life so that God never leaves you astray. Share it with others so that they too may find salvation.

I Corinthians 14:38
But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

Embrace today's reading so that you will be delivered to heaven upon judgement day.

Praise be to God

Friday, December 17, 2004

Things just get better for George

Five more indicators of George's insanity:

  1. The 1,300 Iraq War soldier died today.
  2. The National Guard recruiter can't find new recruits. (recruitment declined 30% this month)
  3. A soldier on leave asked his cousin to shoot him in the leg so he wouldn't have to fight again.
  4. The insurgency is getting worse and an Iraq election in January is slim to none.
  5. The media is talking more about the 10,000 wounded and the war's effect on families.

All of these unfortunate events could have been avoided if George realized he is insane and sought help. I'm not going to be kind and blame it on his chronic stupidity which he has as well. True stupidity lies with the American voters who voted for him in 2000 and again in 2004.

p.s. I cant recall any good thing about him as governor of Texas, can you?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Gay Love Spat tarnishes same sex marriage intifadah

On again off again lovers Elton John and George Michael cant stop fighting publicly. Elton calls George's new album "disappointing"and is upset "because he won't perform live".

The two of them worked together passionately in 1993 on the song,"Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me". A bright and happy tune that lifted Elton out of the doldrums of his failing gay relationship with Bernie Taupin. Hollywood had great hopes for Mr and Mr Sir Elton John or Mr and Mr George Michael but it was not to be.

George wants Elton to stop evesdropping into his life via the "gay grapevine" and move on with his life. Elton should just let George do his own thing despite his concerns that "there seems to be a deep-rooted unhappiness in his life and it shows on the album."

Elton you didn't love George the way he wanted to be loved in the nineties so stop pretending to care, you bitch.

Politicaly the entire United States homosexual community is very concerned that these two broken hearts will destroy any hopes for same sex marriage. Falwell and the Catholic church are doing their damndest to spoil it for gays. Gays like Elton and George strike the final nail in the gay marriage coffin with lover's quarrels as nasty as this one.

But gays wont let the sun go down on me- in Massachusetts.

sing it gay man's choir:
we will win our intifadah

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Where have all the Peter Seegers gone?

This classic needs some new lyrics. Peter don’t sue me!

Where have all the Peter Seegers gone?
Common sense is passing
Where have all the Peter Seegers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the Liberals gone?
The SUV’s have picked them every one.
Oh, when will common sense return?
Oh, when will common sense return?

Yesterday’s Liberals
They’ve taken retirement ev’ry one.

Our youth
Lost in the Matrix

Tomorrow’s Liberals
Energy source of the establishment ev’ry one.

The establishment
Ashamed or deny Peter Seeger association ev’ry one.

Peter Seeger
Young minds need the retirement to end ev’ry one.

Pick up a copy of The Weavers at Amazon. Peter Paul and Mary did a nice version of this song too.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Health Care Reform Not To Be Seen

Understanding on an issue truly comes from experience. During the election campaign John Kerry spoke of a reformed health care system that would provide you with a comparable amount of health care options as he gets as a Senator, dozens of choices. Unfortunately his idea wasn’t beaten into the heads of clueless America and he lost the election.

America lost the opportunity to examine how our elected official’s health care plans work so well for them and apply the system to the rest of us. Fear rhetoric from those ignorant conservatives about how this idea sounds like socialized medicine fogged up the minds of oh so reliable America.

The enormous loss to me and to the nation dons on me while I battle with my health care provider to take care of my health problems and not their financial problems of serving me. Wouldn’t it be nice to change providers at MY discretion, not my employers? It would be nice to receive better care with a provider that can afford to provide services beyond band aids and pain medicine. Regrettably my daydreams are not to be seen thanks to fears of terrorism and gay marriage.

Does the fault lie with John Kerry not being able to sell his idea or our ability to understand what is really important to us?

Monday, December 13, 2004

Gerald Reynolds- a wolf in sheep’s clothing

George Bush recently appointed Gerald Reynolds to be the next chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Mr. Reynolds replaces Ms. Mary Francis Berry who protested against her term expiration date and insisted that her term expires the day after Bush’s inauguration.

Mr. Reynolds is of the “new black leadership” persuasion, conservative Republican to the letter. Ms. Berry is of the old black leadership persuasion, independent but will support Democrats if they support blacks. The old black leadership has always simply been called the black leadership because it represented the interests of black America. The interests of black America remain the same as before however- a government that will serve the interests of black America by providing for black communities. The new black leadership apparently believes that the interests of black America have changed- a government that will ignore the interests of black America because receiving aid is humiliating and unfair to other racial groups.

Democrats have listened to black America far better then Republicans and Democrats have won the support of African Americans because of their compassionate ear. The Republicans felt the need to gain the support of black America not because they want them but because they want to reduce the strength of the Democratic Party. A “new black leadership” (white Republican label invention) was deemed necessary by the Republicans to win over the black vote.

What to expect under this new black leadership:
  • Reduced HUD funding, whitey never got a hand out for his home.
  • The end of Affirmative Action, it’s just unfair to whitey.
  • Continued wait for HAVA reform, not enough blacks vote to merit action.
  • Reduced NCLB funding, improve your grades then you’ll get the money.

The Republicans have got themselves a winning idea. Convince black America to forget about 257 years of slavery, 100 plus years of segregation, 40 years of civil rights reform that have helped blacks but is so unfair to whites and give this noble effort to black leaders blind to the idiocy of it all.

more Gerald Reynolds info:
Google web search
Google news search
Technocrati blog search

Also see my campaign to restore documents banned by Reynolds and stooges on the website of the US Commission on Civil Rights.

Bush silences dissent

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Sunday Scripture Reading

True Believer,
Reflect upon today's scripture reading with all your heart. Understand it fully. Include it in your life so that God never leaves you astray. Share it with others so that they too may find salvation.

I Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

Embrace today's reading so that you will be delivered to heaven upon judgement day.

Praise be to God

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Liberals terraform Mars

Liberals unhappy with the conservative coup occuring today needn't runaway to Canada. They can take over an entire planet instead. Liberals are throwing away their environmental protectionism ideals and terraforming Mars exclusivly for liberals. "Hell, mankind wouldn't have even gone to the moon or Mars if we listened to those bible thumping conservatives.", said Bill Armstrong of Red Colony dot com. At a Red Colony meeting, Mr Armstrong reminded the audience of Jerry Falwell's belief that, "mankind cannot travel to the heavens, it is the exclusive domain of God". (Jerry Falwell: Collected writings of my delusions, p53)

IMS: When we do find evidence of life on Mars and many people believe we will, prepare yourself for the religious panic sure to come. Has the bible told us the truth? Did God forget to tell us that he created life on Mars also? Let us hope that aliens believe in our God as we do. If they don't the Falwell's and Robertsons, etc will suddenly appear to be the fools that they are.

fictitious story real website

Thursday, December 09, 2004

First Thoughts

I have been hearing and reading about blogs lately and absolutely can't pass up the opportunity to ramble on and on about everything and nothing. This blog's content will hopefully speak of an independent mind-sense but honestly will reflect a conformed point of view-liberal. At least I'm not from Massachusetts.