Saturday, December 11, 2004

Liberals terraform Mars

Liberals unhappy with the conservative coup occuring today needn't runaway to Canada. They can take over an entire planet instead. Liberals are throwing away their environmental protectionism ideals and terraforming Mars exclusivly for liberals. "Hell, mankind wouldn't have even gone to the moon or Mars if we listened to those bible thumping conservatives.", said Bill Armstrong of Red Colony dot com. At a Red Colony meeting, Mr Armstrong reminded the audience of Jerry Falwell's belief that, "mankind cannot travel to the heavens, it is the exclusive domain of God". (Jerry Falwell: Collected writings of my delusions, p53)

IMS: When we do find evidence of life on Mars and many people believe we will, prepare yourself for the religious panic sure to come. Has the bible told us the truth? Did God forget to tell us that he created life on Mars also? Let us hope that aliens believe in our God as we do. If they don't the Falwell's and Robertsons, etc will suddenly appear to be the fools that they are.

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