Wednesday, February 02, 2005

L.B. Lathrop Underground Railroad house

The Lucian Bonaparte Lathrop Underground Railroad house is an historical museum in Sylvania, Ohio. It was purchased by the Toledo Catholic Diocese and was destined to be demolished until white suburban Catholics and black Toledo residents protested for three years. Lawsuits were filed to protect it but a Catholic opposition group brought their fight to the voters. In November 2003 a city inititated eminent domain lawsuit was dropped by the voters by a small margin. The Catholic church lifted the house off the property they purchased and the house sat without a final home until it was moved into a nearby park.

The home is owned by the City of Sylvania, Ohio and operated by the Metroparks of the Toledo Area. Volunter assistance is provided by the Friends of the Lathrop House.

My blog for the home.
My other website for the home.

Lucian B. Lathrop