Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Troop casuality 1400 mark

Today 31 troops were killed when their helicopter crashed and 6 died in an ambush. These avoidable accidents brings the troop casualties to 1400+. Troop casualties reached 1300 on December 17, 2004 fourty days ago. Average deaths per day = 2.5 a slight rise. If the current rate continues for the remainder of Bush's second term total casualties will be 3,625. The estimate of the second term plus the 1,365 of the first term brings the total to 4,990.

Wounded currently exceeds 10,000 in 22 months, about 500 per month. Wounded might rise by 25,000 by 2008 bringing the total to 35,000 wounded.

I guess Bush is happy with these numbers for a war created on a lie because he is itch'n to bomb Iran to hell. So go ahead Bush and kill more of us in Iran we're your willing suicidal fools.

Remind everyone: 100,000 of people have died because of 19 men AND a crazed nation.