Sunday, February 13, 2005

Howard Dean brings an end to the Democratic party

Republicans have been eager for the chance to attack the Democratic party on homosexuality issues. Democrats have wisely avoided the issue. America is too bigoted to tolerate a political party that supports homosexuals. Support for the homosexual movement will bring an end to the Democratic party, just what Republicans want. Its a sad world we live in.

Dean will most likely make the mistake of courting the homosexual cause.

Rebel Dean inspires gays in Florida

A Democratic caucus meeting in Orlando sets its sights on revitalizing unity in the gay community.

By Tania deLuzuriaga
Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted February 13 2005

With a rebel now heading the Democratic Party, Florida's gay Democrats vowed Saturday to be puppets of their party no longer and to bring social issues to the front of their party's concerns.

"I don't want to reach across the aisle; I want to win," said Orlando City Commissioner Patty Sheehan, who is openly gay.