Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Abuse by Episcopal priests

On every page of this blog I include the Episcopal shield because I am Episcopal and not because the church endorses this blog. I also include the comment "the kinder gentler Catholic church" because I feel that it is and should aim to be. My comment reels of sarcasm, arrogance etc., simply because that is the tone of this blog. I don't want to be entirely arrogant and say that abuse by priests does not occur in the Episcopal church, it does occur. Here are three websites that report on the issue:

Reformation- Lists news articles of several faiths, Episcopal included. I am relieved to read that most of the cases were in the past and action was taken promptly against the priest. Many of the priests pleaded guilty and or removed themselves from the church. The articles did not speak of a pervasive cover up.

The Sophia Network- Appears to be one woman's campaign to resolve priest abuse. She is obviously distraught but I feel her confrontational strategy may not work in her favor. Her letter to the Bishops wrongly assumes that all Bishops are against her as the abuser must have been. Those Bishops that did respond to her did not react as appropriately as I believe they should have, Bishop Gibbs especially. Several issues of accountability and transparency are raised and should be debated publicly.

Nathan Network- A cooperative effort between laity and clergy to resolve abuse. Upcoming conference in April.

As far as the "kinder gentler" comment is concerned I feel that a church that empowers woman, accepting of homosexuals, encourages diversity and takes responsibility for itself rightfully deserves the label. Reference to the Catholic church implies the Episcopal church's parentage and not the Catholic church's inability to be kind and gentle, well maybe not ;-)

Final verdict: The Episcopal church must confront the issue of abuse perpetually and in cooperation between dioceses, laity and clergy.