Thursday, March 10, 2005

Bishop Sauls lectures on the Windsor report

The Bishop of Lexington, KY, Stacy Sauls lectured at Christ Church Grosse Pointe, MI on Tuesday. He explained the circumstances that brought about the Windsor report. American bishops supported the consecration of the admitted homosexual Bishop V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. American bishops may have or not authorized same sex blessings but actual blessings were carried out by Canadian bishops in their dioceses.

The bishop explained that there is not an agreement on the definition of terms in the report such as "regret" and "moratorium". American bishops interpret a need to express "regret" differently then foreign bishops. American bishops define the conditions of a moratorium differently then foreign bishops. In my opinion the report should be seen as an outline for future actions by the parties concerned and not the solution to the concerns raised in the report.

In my opinion greater emphasis should be placed on the Anglican's continued strategy to obtain territory and influence in America by exploiting the situation. The communion should stay together and everyone should be respectful of each other and not acting against each other. Are there homosexuals in heaven, possibly, are there territories in heaven, possibly not.