Saturday, February 26, 2005

American Civil Wars of Today

Americans are perpetually in a state of civil war. The civil war of this 21st century is over morality, rights, and power same as the 19th century civil war. Curiousily many of the descendents of the 19th century civil war continue to fight on the same side as their ancestors. The south (with the center) continues to be the fighter for the status quo and the north (with the east and west) for change. The issues:


Religious belief-Conservative religion of Anglicans, Catholics, Fundamentalists versus liberal religion of Episcopal, Protestent, non religious. I will be focusing on the Anglican-Episcopal civil war.

Homosexuality- Homosexuals and sympathizers versus the whole of the world. I will be focusing on the fight over homosexuality issues ( same sex marriage) in politics and religion.


Affirmative Action-
In November of 2006 voters in Michigan will get their chance to possible end 40 years of positive change thanks to the efforts of Ward Connerly. Liberal United for Michigan versus conservative Ward Connerly

Immigration- Several states desire to tighten their borders against Mexican aliens.

Every promise fulfilled or unfulfilled, rhetorical comment, political strategy said by any group is soley intended to obtain power for the group. Democrats versus Republicans, third parties begging to get in the game.